Multinational Defense specializes in the supply of a wide variety of weapons and weapon accessories to support infantry, artillery, and air defense missions. Urgent needs can be rapidly filled from surplus high quality stocks, new production, or a blend of both. Our surplus stocks undergo rigorous inspection, refreshing, and testing in accordance with original Eastern Bloc Mil-Bureau requirements. New production is closely monitored by our in-country representatives ensuring that all weapons and accessories comply with designer Technical Data Package requirements before leaving the factory. We are proud of our commitment to quality and encourage our customers to visit our supply chain where this quality can be observed and validated.
Multinational Defense can supply weapons from new production as well as surplus stocks. All new production items offered are produced in accordance with each country’s Ministry of Defense and Military Bureau specifications, employing Quality Management Systems consistent with ISO 9001:2015. Each weapon lot delivered to our customer is inspected and tested by the manufacturer, then inspected by Multinational Defense, ensuring full compliance to Design Bureau requirements. Customers are encouraged to visit our supplier factories during production and inspection to ensure complete customer satisfaction.
Surplus weapons are available for urgent and compelling customer needs. These weapons are refreshed and inspected to near new condition by experienced weapons techs at several of our refurbishment factories. The following is a complete listing of our weapons offerings:

Assault Rifles: AK-47 Fixed Stock, AK-47 Folding Stock
Light Machine Gun: RPK
Medium Machine Guns: PK, PKM, PK-T
Sniper Rifles: PSL, M91
Heavy Machine Guns: DShK, DShKM, NSV, KPV, KPVT
Anti-Aircraft ZU 23
60mm Commando
Recoilless Rocket Launchers
122mm Howitzer Systems
152mm Howitzer Systems