Edmundo Apodaca
vp, compliance
Mr. Edmundo Apodaca provides the company with in-depth global perspectives, especially of Latin American affairs coupled with a security background. After completing a three-year tour with the U.S. Army, Mr. Apodaca worked with the Department of Justice, U.S. Border Patrol on the U.S. Mexico border in California while attending university. Upon completion of studies in Criminology and Law Enforcement, Mr. Apodaca entered service with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) where he spent the next 24 years. While at the DEA he was selected to attend the yearlong postgraduate course of Hemispheric Security at the Inter-American Defense College in Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C. For the final six years of his career with the DEA Mr. Apodaca was assigned as the Country Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Lima, Peru where he led a team of over 200 Peruvian National policemen along with 20 DEA agents in creating sustainable drug control programs and enforcing narcotics laws. He was also responsible for advising the U.S. ambassador on all counter-narcotics enforcement matters.
After retirement from the DEA, Mr. Apodaca was employed by Baker Hughes Inc., a multi-national oilfield services company as its International Security Manager. Mr. Apodaca’s duties took him to Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America implementing security programs for expatriate employees. With the company’s growth and with Mr. Apodaca’s knowledge of Latin America, he was named Director of Security for the Latin America Region based in Bogota, Colombia. During his tenure with Baker Hughes he successfully negotiated the release of kidnapped expatriate employees on three separate occasions.